Akahi Cliberiot Nagae

Scion Member, Jewelry maker and (former)PirateAge: 33
Job: Machinist/Gunbreaker/Goldsmith

Daughter of the unlikely love between Ceelie,a pirate and Nhaldeen,a merchant, Akahi was born atop “The Tainted Rose” an infamous pirate ship helmed by the Cliberiot’s, known for conducting raids in the Sea of jade and Sirensong Sea.Akahi grew up with her mother, taking on the safer ship responsibilities, and when older, learning how to fight and shoot, sometimes, a small boat with two Elezens would be seen sneaking into radz-at-han.With one raid gone awry, mistakenly attacking a disguised garlean ship, The tainted rose was captured and its crew conscripted and sent to Gyr Abania.While in Gyr Abania the Cliberiot’s mainly tried to sabotage any garleans efforts without raising suspicion and in one particularly messy fight Akahi managed to slip away from the Garlean batallion.After wandering for a couple days Akahi ends up in Gridania and joins the adventurer’s guild, she stumbles upon Yda and Papalymo and later joins the scions with the promise they would help free her mother and the ship's crew.

Kipih Jakkya, Raven tabloid interview

Kipih Jakkya(KJ): Thank you for donating your time for this interview, it’s quite hard to get a hold on one the scions these days.
Akahi Cliberiot(AC): Donate? You bribed me with sweet cakes! and we’ve disbanded y’know…
KJ: Considering the Cliberiot’s are known pirates. What do you have to say about people that might have grievances about your family popularity?
AC: The Cliberiot’s WERE pirates. past tense. We’ve been helping out now, paying our dues, saving the star…Even our ship is now property of the grand company, don't know what else can be done to convince you.
KJ: And what about the people that might still have particular offenses?
AC: You’re free to come by and have a chat. I’m not responsible if my mother gets to you first though.
KJ: Each of the scions have a unique combat style. Would you mind telling us more about yours? and how all your gadgets work?
AC: The gun captures and focuses aether much like a staff, then it’s mixed with powder for all the explosions you see.
The gadgets are Stephainivein’s invention, it lets you store effects for later use, much like a magic scroll would. Of course, the bigger ones require more aether and preparation.
The mask is a necessity, the residue from the mixture can be toxic in large quantities. Everything else (shrug) is just how I dress.
KJ: That’s a lot of comparisons to magic. Would that make you a mage?
AC: Hah! Don’t think anyone called me a mage before, but I guess…technically. I know some mages will be grumbling if they read this.
KJ: Outside of combat you’re also known for being a goldsmith. How did you start that?
AC: Transferable skills,you see, working the small mechanisms of a gun is not much different then making jewelry. It’s a great way to fund some gil for traveling expenses.
KJ: You have to fund your own traveling? Was Tataru not doing her job well?
AC: (shudders) Do not speak ill of the coincounter. She will find you…
KJ: Back to the goldsmithing then. Some of your clients accused you of forgery in the past when trying to resell their items. Do you have anything to say about this situation?
AC: Ah, it's a fun game I play. You pay me any value you think my work is worth and in return I’ll make whatever I believe fits you.
You should ask that man why I thought a forgery was suitable for him.
KJ: Onto more recents events.Recently, a lot of your friends were seen in Tural. Any specific reason all of you were there?
AC: We went to the beach, summer vacation and all that.
KJ: Some of my sources reported quite an event there, regarding a succession of the throne and an attack on Tural, at the same time you guys were there. Was truly not any involvement at all?
AC: Damn, that’s crazy…
The beaches there are great! You should try going sometime.
KJ: I see…Thank you for this interview Akahi. Here are your sweetcakes as promised.
AC: Oooh! Chocolate Strawberry!

Oh, hello there and thanks for reading!What does a 30yo person does on their free time? This! Which is mostly a work to put my character in some believable form into XIV.English is not my first language and this is technically my first OC so feel free to contact me over on Bluesky if none of the above rambling made sense XD.